

MATHEMATICS QUOTES 1. Mathematics is a game played according to certain rules with meaningless marks on paper. — David Hilbert 2. Mathematics is concerned only with the enumeration and comparison of relations. — Carl Friedrich Gauss 3. Mathematics is the door and key to the sciences. — Roger Bacon 4. Mathematics is the science of what is clear by itself. — Carl Jacobi 5. Mathematics – the unshaken Foundation of Sciences, and the plentiful Fountain  of Advantage to human affairs.  — Isaac Barrow 6. Mathematics is as much an aspect of culture as it is a collection of algorithms. —  Carl Boyer 7. Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.– Henri PoincarĂ© 8. Mathematics is one of the essential emanations of the human spirit — a think to be valued in and for itself like art or poetry. 9. Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost. Rigour should be

Trigonometry in real life

Real life applications of trigonometry hare on Facebook Trigonometry simply means calculations with triangles (that’s where the tri comes from). It is a study of relationships in mathematics involving lengths, heights and angles of different triangles. The field emerged during the 3rd century BC, from applications of geometry to astronomical studies. Trigonometry spreads its applications into various fields such as architects, surveyors, astronauts, physicists, engineers and even crime scene investigators. Now before going to the details of its applications, let’s answer a question have you ever wondered what field of science first used trigonometry? The immediate answer expected would be mathematics but it doesn’t stop there even physics uses a lot of concepts of trigonometry. Another answer According to Morris Kline, in his book named- Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, proclaimed that ‘trigonometry was first developed in connection with astronomy,


Vedic Mathematics  is a collection of Techniques/Sutras to solve mathematical arithmetics in easy and faster way. It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for problems involved in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics. Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics which was discovered by Indian mathematician  Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji  in the period between A.D. 1911 and 1918 and published his findings in a  Vedic Mathematics Book by Tirthaji Maharaj Veda is a Sanskrit word which means ‘Knowledge’. Using regular mathematical steps, solving problems sometimes are complex and time consuming. But using Vedic Mathematic’s General Techniques (applicable to all sets of given data) and Specific Techniques (applicable to specific sets of given data), numerical calculations can be done very fast. Mathematics enthusiastic always have the questions  By referring original book of Vedic Mathematics by Tirthaji Maharaj,

The Use of Vedic Mathematics

The Use of Vedic Mathematics. More than 1700% times faster than normal Math: this makes it the World’s Fastest. • Eradicates fear of Math completely. So If your child has Math-Phobia High Speed Vedic Math is a Fun-Filled way to do Math and arises interest in your child. • Much Improved Academic Performance in School and Instant Results. Just see the first exercise and believe it for yourself. Go over the examples given in the tutorials you would be amazed. • Sharpens your mind, increases mental agility and intelligence. • Increases your speed and accuracy. Become a Mental Calculator yourself. • Improves memory and boosts self confidence. • Cultivates an Interest in your for numbers. • Develops your left and right sides of your brain hence using intuition and innovation. It has been noted that Geniuses have been using the right side of the brain to achieve exceptional results. • Easy to master and apply. You just need the knowledge of tables to learn this. Vedic Maths Techniques/


Addition was invented and formalized mainly by the Chinese more than 6,000 years ago. It is believed that Ancient Egyptians used complex mathematics such as algebra, arithmetic and geometry as far back as 3000 BC, such as equations to approximate the area of circles. Babylonians measured the circumference of a circle as approximately 3 times the diameter, which is fairly close to today’s measurement which uses the value of Pi (around 3.14). Chinese mathematics developed around the 11th century BC and included important concepts related to negative numbers, decimals, algebra and geometry. Greek mathematics developed from around the 7th century BC, producing many important theories thanks to great mathematicians such as Pythagoras, Euclid and Archimedes. The Hindu-Arabic numeral system began developing as early as the 1st century with a full system being established around the 9th century, forming the basis of the numerical digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 that we use t


HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS   FACTS It is believed that Ancient Egyptians used complex mathematics such as algebra, arithmetic and geometry as far back as 3000 BC, such as equations to approximate the area of circles. Babylonians measured the circumference of a circle as approximately 3 times the diameter, which is fairly close to today’s measurement which uses the value of Pi (around 3.14). Chinese mathematics developed around the 11th century BC and included important concepts related to negative numbers, decimals, algebra and geometry. Greek mathematics developed from around the 7th century BC, producing many important theories thanks to great mathematicians such as Pythagoras, Euclid and Archimedes. The Hindu-Arabic numeral system began developing as early as the 1st century with a full system being established around the 9th century, forming the basis of the numerical digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 that we use today. The symbols used for addition (+) and subtraction


FACTS ABOUT MATHEMATICIANS Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras lived around the year 500 BC and is known for his Pythagorean theorem relating to the three sides of a right angle triangle: a² + b² = c² Greek mathematician Euclid is often referred to as the ‘Father of Geometry’ for his revolutionary ideas and influential textbook called ‘Elements’ that he wrote around the year 300 BC. Archimedes of Syracuse lived around the year 250 BC and among other things, developed a method for determining the volume of objects with irregular shapes. Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa (better known as Fibonacci) lived between the years 1170 and 1250 and is best known today for Fibonacci numbers, the number sequence named after him. Fibonacci introduced the number sequence to Western Europe in his book ‘Liber Abaci’ after they had been described earlier by Indian mathematicians. The Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, .... In th